1. Beside ur lips,where is the favourite spot to get kissed?
tpk kaki.
2. How did u feel when u woke up this morning?
bru tringat assgmnt x siap lg nk hntr esk.(kalo ingt pun bkn bwat)
3. Who was the last person / people you took photo with?
geng gi genting.
4. Would u consider urself spoiled?
5. Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
kak long aku.
6. Do you want someone to be dead?
Bush, Olmert n sbgnye.
7. What does your last text message say?
Tempoh aktif akaun anda hampir tamat. Sila dail *122# utk maklumat lanjut.
8. What are you thinking right now?
siap kn assgmnt lps settle tag ni.
9. Do you want someone to be with you right now?
angelina jolie.
10. What was the time you went to bed last night?
kul3. biase la hri mggu.
11. Where did you buy the tee you are wearing now?
x pkai bju kalo kt dlm blk. panas.
12. Is someone on your mind right now?
muke prof aku. apesal la die bg assgmnt susah2 ni.
13. Who was the last person who text you?
14. TEN Lucky Person to do this quiz.
i.cik serunaiklang
ii.cik tyrah
vi.cik myrah
vii.cik lolly
viii.cik yulan
x.Korg sndri.
1. Who is no.2 having a relationship with?
(X sempat nk susun plak, jwb je la) kwn baek kpd cik myrah
2. Is no.3 a male or a female?
Agk2 korg tgok name die cam laki ke ppuan? laki la. jgn tnye ape buktinye plak. nnt blog aku jd blog org dwasa plak.
3. If no.7 and no.1 get together , would it be a good?
why not?
4. What is no.1 studying about?
medic. nk fly mesir lps raye ni. btul x ni aku jwb cik serunaiklang?
5. When was the last time you chatted with them?
jap td chat dgn cik serunaiklang.
6. Is no.4 single?
7. Say something about no. 2.
sme uni dgn aku. amik kos pure bio. btul x ni?
8. What do you think about no.3 & no.5 being together?
kn aku ckp aku x sempat susun ni. blh jd kwn baek je la.
9. Describe no.9.
jiwang sket. die yg ckp sndri, bkn aku.
10. What will you do if no.6 and no.7 fight?
tempah seat vip. hehe. *peace*
11. Do you like no.8?
aku ckp lg skali aku memg x sempat susun ni. nnt kalo ckp suke timbul plak kontrovesi. DUSH!
12. How about 10?
korg describe la sndri. dlarang mmuji.
Disamping ni aku mnampilkn gak award yg aku dpt di kala ni,

, dr cik yulan.

, dr cik arien.

, dr cik lolly.
Aku sgt mghargai kpd smua korg yg rela mnyemakkn blog korg dgn award aku yg lps, aku ucapkn trima kaseh.
Aku gi pc fair kt klcc semlm, ingt nk bli mp3. Tbe2 aku blh menang bid mp3 kt eBay rm50 je, mse mlm sblm tu. Jd aku tman kn je la kwn aku gi, bwk skali makwe die. Aku kne lead diorg sbb diorg xtau jln.
Makwe die tu yg shopping sakan. Kwn aku tu rlex je x bli ape2. Aku usha2 tu ingt nk bli gigi biru headset. Nsib baek x jd sbb aku x jmpe booth tu balek lps aku dh decide nk bli. Slmt dwit aku nk simpn bwat bli moto. Aku pun x prasan ade rusuhn kt kl mse tu sbb sehari suntuk lepak kt klcc je.
Aku ucap kn Happy Friendship Day kt korg smua, walo pun dh lps 1hb. Frens 4ever dude. Dh. Pegi jauh. Wish je. Xde dwit raye nk bg.
32 cacian hamun:
Jawapan yang kemas... hehehee
tapak kaki mahu dicium? kelakar bai! haha, banyak doh award ko dapat. Taniah lah. =)
@bujang susah
Ape mksud kemas tu bro? ke pndai cover line?
ko nk try ke? aku x kesah. kalo ko nk amik sket award aku ni pun xpe.
cmna nk meninggalkan jejak?
ko cop tpk kaki ko kt skrin komp ni mse bkak blog ni. heh. ko dh pun mninggalkn jejak la ni. selain tu ko blh follow aku. smpai aku blh jejak balek blog ko la.
nice answer..aku suke..best ker maen tag2 nie..
ahahaha.. jawapan best!~
hehe...btol2....mesir mali....
blog serunai klang tu dah aktif balek..
tapi tgh private skrg...nnt open balek...heh....
nnt kiter buat tag tu~~~
best bro. try la bwat skali.
memg best~
haha. nsib baek btol. kalo dh open public bg tau aku nnt.
ko suke cium tapak kaki org or ko suke kalo org cium tapak kaki ko?
*lagu dlm blog ko nie aku byk kali dgr..bukan sbb aku suke sgt..tp sbb kawan aku non-stop pasang...*
heh. tgok ape soaln la. org cium tpk kaki aku la.
wah. bestnye ade org mnat gak lagu hip hop ni.
salam singgah..
incik intel,..
jom join contest,..
dah delay smpai tgh mlm neh,..
erkk..cm flight lak,..ekekek
Ohh, you can use GVR or NVR (Malaysia MADE!)
tools and run into you PC.
If you know what causing that problem, check the remover from internet.
If you still face the problem, please report to
or you can go here
Ko faham x? cuba guna kan file registry kat link blog aku t7u dulu..
oh inche' intel..
update la blog:)..
lama xdgr kabo:):)
Bleh jer...
Tapi aku rasa elok kau try GVR.
Sedut kat sini:
tq singgah anakalut:))
Oh.. nah
trima kaseh krn singgah. salam singgah balek.
laen kli bwat lg. aku tggu ni.
jap lg aku updte. tgh bz.
sme2. thnx krn singgah balek.
bro,,,xde chat box ke??
lawak la jawapan ko.. ahahaha..
eleh.. spammnin kunu.. ahaha --> rujuk pada chatbox ku..
sori la bro xde cbox.
@jard d great
ye ke? aku jwb serius ni.(muke cover gelak)
eh? mne ade? mne ade? tu bkn aku spamming? (aiseh, kantoi plak)
Salam the last samurai...
Sorry lama x tinggalkan komen.. la ni bz skit lerr.. internet pun astik bikin hal jerr..
Semoga sejahtera sentiasa... hehehe
en natsu...
mate lyn da xley bace la..
hampir 12 jam melepak dpn lptp nih..
tp mmg lawa la...
ciap ade rame2 yg berterbangan...
pelik jep np byk sgt caci hamun nih huu
@bujang susah
wslm, xde hal la bro. thnx sbb sudi singgah gak.
oh, tq2:)
ko pun tmbh kn gak bilgn caci hamun tu.
meh ah tmbh lgik nih
kasi bepusu pusu haha
cis. aku delete. aku delete.
(x sdar sndri pun tmbh gak)
thanks bro sbb sudi wat tag tue...hehehe..nnti org bg lg...hahaha
haha. xde hal.
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